Windings seems like a particularly appropriate title for anything I'm writing now since that seems to be the way my thoughts are going. They want to circle around and loop back onto themselves. I like it for a thought pattern, but it can make it hard to get anything done. I don't get much done. One of the things that happens in regard to my writing is that I do so much internal revision, ie., censorship, that it's a miracle that anything ever gets from my brain through my fingertips, let alone onto paper. While this can be a real hindrance to the writing process, I'm still somewhat glad for the knowledge and love of words and grammar that's underneath it. I do love words and language and am particularly fascinated by translation and what it does to thinking.
I thought it was fiction I had the passion to write and have been surprised to find out recently that I LOVE writing non-fiction. Maybe I knew this before, but it didn't come so much to the surface so strongly until I wrote my MA thesis. I love the research process and am now working on putting together a much larger piece that will use a highly edited version of that thesis as a section.
. I'm pretty political and have worked on several campaigns and participated in a few peace marches on Washington and New York City. I have not been arrested, but since I believe strongly in acting out of conscience, I kind of think I probably will be some day. Am strongly opposed to the death penalty and am mourning the murder of Troy Davis.
I also knit, crochet, knit, and sew. I read a lot. Some of my favorite writers are Stuart Dybek, Pinckney Benedict, Nelson DeMille, Madeleine L'Engle, Isabel Allende, and Bonnie Jo Campbell. Bonnie doesn't write the kind of stories I'd normally read since I'm very oriented to the urban, but she just writes them so well. She's written sentences that made me cry. One of the things I like best in literature is a well-defined sense of place. I'm also very fond of poetry. Pablo Neruda is my absolute favorite, and I love Violeta Parra, Nicanor Parra, Walt Whitman, Patricia Jabbeh Wesley, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Federico Garcia Lorca, and Stuart Dybek in no particular order. "To the Foot from its Child," though, is my favorite peom of all, and I've recently become incredibly fond of Edna St. Vincent Millay's "Recuerdo." You might notice a strong leaning to the eartthy, the political, the magical real, the urban, and the Latin American here.
Guess that's it for now. Thanks anybody who stopped by to visit. I'd love to hear from you.
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